The 4 Leggings You Need in your Wardrobe ASAP

Tina Bryant

In fashion, trends come and go but there are some staple pieces that are timeless and functional - they can also be reused and repurposed to fit whatever the on trend look is at the time. One of the most essential pieces you simply cannot go without is the legging. It’s the ultimate in...
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Lemon Addiction

Rebecca Gold

There are so many different fruits that are not only yummy but also are good for your health. However, not all of them are very functional and often used in daily lives. Lemon is an exception! Actually, it seems like lemon is a go-to fruit: people put it in tea to get a more...
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Beyond New Year's: Staying Fit and Active all Year Long

Tina Bryant

Another new year, another wave of well-intentioned yet doomed new year’s resolutions. It’s easy to declare all the improvements you have planned for yourself when you’re going into a new year - but the end of the year always shows who stuck to their plan and who forgot they even made a resolution. Sticking...
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Post Holiday Zen: Decompress After the Hectic Holiday Season

Tina Bryant

The holidays are known as the most ‘wonderful’ time of the year, but for adults, it’s usually the most hectic and even stressful time of the year. Whether it’s going to holiday parties or hosting them, spending hours in shopping malls hunting for the perfect gifts, working extra late hours to finish all the...
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Printed Activewear Is More Fun Than Solids

Rebecca Gold

Nowadays women are so eager to be healthy in all possible spheres of life in order to keep fit. We all choose something that works best for each of us. Someone goes in for yoga, workouts with heavy weights, crossfit, poledance, pilates or regular low-impact home workouts. It’s all up for us! Though, to...
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Matching With Your Mini Me Is Always A Brilliant Idea!

Rebecca Gold

Going to a birthday party, family dinner, to the movies or doing yoga with your daughter? Why don’t you make it even more of a special occasion and wear matching outfits which you’ll rock together! Since childhood, every girl wants to look exactly like her mom, especially when it comes to dressing up. That’s...
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