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Family Fun in Spring: Seasonal Family Outing Ideas

by Mary Visconti 05 Apr 2019

Spring has finally sprung. It’s time to get back outside and soak in some rays again! This winter was a tough one, with some record setting, frigid temperatures and freezing winds tearing through the streets. Now that the weather is more inviting and outdoor activity friendly, it’s important to get back outside and shake off the cobwebs from being cooped up all winter. Being indoors for a long period of time can start making you feel antsy, anxious and can really start to make things unbearable if you’ve got kids with way too much energy and time on their hands. Going outdoors isn’t just a breath of fresh air and fun for your kids; it’s actually good for your health, too! Studies have shown that spending time outside can help improve your memory, fight depression, stress and lower blood pressure. It becomes even more beneficial when you’re doing something active outside.

Here are some ways to get your family back outside, loving life and enjoying the outdoor weather - these are also ways for you and your family to create new spring memories together and tighten that bond again.

Fly a Kite

There’s nothing more cheerful and spring-y than flying a kite. It kind of makes us think of those joyful moments in Mary Poppins! Get some kites and go fly them outside on a windy day! This time of year, there happens to be a lot of outdoor festivals and activities - some of them are kite festivals! See if there are any kite festivals in your area, and if not, you and your kids will be your own kite festival! Dress up in some colorful, comfy, fun outfits to make it more of a celebration of Spring. Mommy and Daughter can throw on some funky colorful leggings and a cute spring shift blouse -  or surprise her with a custom printed shirt with her name on it. Bonus tip: bring the camera out and catch all those picture perfect moments as the family is dressed perfectly for spring and running around, flying those kites high! It will make for unforgettable family moments to add to your family photo album.


Plant Something

It’s the time of year when flowers are blooming and things are greener! Get outside and start planting stuff. This is a great time to teach your kids about botany and the importance of taking care of nature. You can teach them a little bit about the climate and the environment in your area, as well as which plants thrive in the soil available where you are. You can get your kids planting seeds into planters or directly into the ground; or you can plant an already started baby tree, a bulb, or some vegetables or fruit plants and plant them directly intlo a pot or in a designated place in your backyard. If you live in a highly urbanized area with no backyards to work with, see if there are any community gardens in the area that will allow you to contribute by planting.


Recycling Crafts

Spring is a time to remember how exciting nature is and how much we all get from nature. This is a great time to teach your kids about giving back. Grab some recyclable materials like egg cartons and turn them into little herb planters. Fill the egg pockets with soil and have your kids plant the seeds in. Another idea is grabbing some old cereal boxes and cutting them up and turning them into crowns. Use the inside part, which is usually a solid brown or grey color, and use that as the outside of the crown. Spray paint them a metallic color and glue on some jewels. Jump on Pinterest for some fun craft ideas that teach the kids about the importance of the recycling.

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