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Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for your Daughter

by Rebecca Gold 18 Jan 2023

The day of love and romance is coming up fast! On the flipside it’s also alternatively known as “Singles Awareness Day.” For school-aged kids, they will be reminded of this the whole day and sometimes it can be a little disheartening if they don’t have anyone in their life to send them those cute Valentine’s Day gift that make them feel special. Some kids might get their Valentine’s delivered to class - those big explosions of balloons, the cute little Valentine’s teddy bear and the box of chocolates while other kids will just look on and maybe feel a bit sad and lonely. 

If you’re a parent to a school-aged girl, making them feel special and loved by her parents is a great way to make sure she feels special regardless of if she has someone to gift her at school or not.

Start the day by doing something special for her in the morning - a Valentine’s breakfast! Heart-shaped pancakes and a little table decor. Maybe leave a little gift at the table next to some roses and a Valentine’s Day card. Then arrange for a nice surprise to be sent to one of her classes at school. And to end the day, decorate her room so she comes home to a Valentine’s Day themed surprise set-up in her room. This way, regardless of whether she has friends or love interests gifting her at school, she’ll still feel loved and special throughout the day.



Nothing says “You’re special to me” like jewelry. They symbolize a special occassion and a special person. No matter how many times someone wears a nice piece of jewelry, they’ll never forget who gave it to them if they meant something special. A daughter’s heart would be wamed by a lovely heart-shaped locket with pictures of her parents inside, or maybe a special inscription on it. Other great ideas are Valentine’s rings - think hearts, butterflies or roses. Maybe a ring with her birth stone it. As long as you tie the jewelry to some meaning, she’ll treasure that necklace, ring or bracelet forever!



Gifting your daughter a gorgeous-smelling perfume is a quintessential Valentine’s Day gift. Smell is one of the strongest ways to recall memories and if you gift her a perfume she loves, she’ll remember how much you love her everytime she wears it. If you’re not sure what brand of perfume to get, think about what types of smells she gravitates towards and start there. Find out what her favorite smell types are, whether sweet smells, florals, clean smells, spicy smells or other types of smells - then do some research on which perfumes have those scent profiles and surprise her with a bottle of a nice fragrance on the day!

A Cute Yoga Set

A Cute Yoga Set

There’s something so exciting about receiving new gym outfits! A cute, coordinated yoga set is the hottest gym trend around and there are so many combos to choose from. Take a walk on the wild side and gift her a coordinating leopard-print yoga leggings and sports bra. Or if she’s into solids, gift her a red, pink or purple legging + sports bra to stay festive with the Valentine’s Day theme!

A Cute Red or Pink Outfit

A Cute Red or Pink Outfit

Keep it festive and gift your daughter a cute red skater dress or a pink knit sweater. Everyone needs a good solid red dress - it’s the cousin of the LBD and just as important of a staple to have in your closet. A pink or lavender knit sweater is keeping it light and feminine while also being soft and comfortable. All good vibes for Valentine’s Day!

Something Handmade

There’s buying gifts and then there’s making them. Something that has been made by hand with love is absolutely priceless. It can be anything - a crocheted scarf, a hand-sewn stuffed animal, a handmade dress, an embroidered cap, a handmade sun catcher or bracelet - whatever it is, think about the things that make her happy and if you are a DIY gifter, flex your superpower and make your daughter a little something on Valentine’s Day! 

Whatever you decide to get her, wrap it in festive Valentine’s Day gift bags or wrapping paper, include a hand-written note, some balloons, chocolates and a teddy bear. And voila! Who says the perfect Valentine’s gift doesn’t exist?

Something Handmade

Something Handmade

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